Virtual Weight Loss Injection / Hypnosis Weight Loss Jab with Alpha Hypnosis

The Hypnosis Weight Loss Injection

This new Virtual Weight Loss Jab hypnosis programme mimics the “fullness” of weight loss jab, without the ongoing expense. 

♦  You can change your mindset around food – the weight-loss injections won’t do that

♦  You can change your old habits around food and exercise – the weight-loss injections won’t do that. More…

Consistent exercise Hypnosis can help- Alpha Hypnosis

Exercise Consistency

Embarking on a new fitness journey as an adult can be a thrilling yet challenging endeavor. The path is often lined with false starts and wavering commitment. In my own experience, I’ve been involved with various exercise activities, I’m enjoyed going to the gym and walking. But it’s keeping consistent that can, for many, be an issue. More…

PTSD Triggers helped with help from Alpha Hypnosis

Find Relief From PTSD Triggers

If you find yourself still grappling with triggers and distress despite trying various approaches, there’s a promising avenue you might consider: More…

Fear of Flying Phobia

It’s Time To Break Free:  From Phobias

Phobias and fears can have considerable influence in our lives, which can have emotional, physical, and mental effects on our well-being. More…

Unlocking your potential with Alpha Hypnosis

Overcoming Self-Doubt: Unlock Your Potential

Have you ever felt like you’re standing in the way of your own success? Do you find yourself doubting your abilities and shying away More…

the Brain and how using Hypnotherapy can assist the Laws of Suggestion

The Power of Suggestion Can Change Your Life

Did you know that the way you talk to yourself, and even what you think about, can significantly impact your life? By understanding and using the  More…

Best Foods for Memory decline - flavanols fruits and vegetables

BEST Foods to Prevent Memory Loss

A study in the Neuroscience News found that people who ate a diet rich in these foods had better memory function than those who did not. More…

Studies show hypnosis can help with improveing demnetia and cognative decline - Alpha Hypnosis

Dementia: Hypnosis a Promising Treatment!

Dementia is a progressive brain disorder that causes memory loss and other cognitive decline. Sadly, it’s becoming more common. More…

Overcome Stress and Anxiety with Roger Saxelby

Find Your Inner Peace: From Stress & Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they are actually distinct… more… 

Unhea;thy food, snacks, choloate, etc

Conquer Cravings: Stop Emotional Eating Now

Emotional eating: those cravings, snacking and binging. Is that you? Or maybe you just generally…. more 

Unlock your potential with Alpha Hypnosis

Unlock Your Learning Potential: Repetition

A recent study published in the journal Nature Communications has shed light on how the brain processes more… 

7 Top tips to be happier - Alpha Hypnosis

7 Top Tips – How To Being Happier in 14 Days!  

Be Happy! How often do we hear that? Too often we wish things could change, so we can be happier. Some…. more….

Can't stop snacking

Learn How To Stop Mindless Snacking Easily! 

In times of stress we often turn to things that can help us feel better. Comfort eating, also known as… More….

Brain - Woman

How Your Subconscious Effects You…


And what you can do about it! Do you ever wonder why you react in certain ways to what’s going on… More..

Lose weight, stop snacking

How To Easily Lose 10 kgs Before Summer!

Time for a change? Spring is finally here! Are you ready for summer? Lose weight this spring, stop snacking… More…


Is it Retail Therapy or Shopping Addiction? 

The Christmas season and the busy holiday season is coming around the corner again. Are you worried… More

t h


Alcohol fueld head

Discover How To Reset Your Mind Around Alcohol.

Increased intake is not unusual in times of stress And while you may not want to stop drinking… .More….

Lose Weight with the Virtual Gastric Band

Recently, Cathy Cowan appeared on Newshub to talk about her success with the Virtual Gastric Band… More…

Doing This One Thing Can Reduce or Even Stop Anxiety…

We’ve all tried our best to follow the “rules”. Although the restrictions have loosened, there’s still… More….

Are You Anxious about the Coronavirus?

You may be worried about how it could affect you, your family, or even your job? Have you already considered… More… 

How to Get A Healthy Relationship Mindset

Have you ever felt yourself thinking negative or unhealthy thoughts when you are upset, and started…more…

You Can Break An Unwanted Habits in 3 Weeks!

Expecting to quit your bad habit in 21 days? It’s different for everyone. Hypnotherapy can make it… more… 

What’s Your Poison – Smoking or Vaping?

What’s the difference? And is one or the other more difficult to break the addiction? Or are they… more… 

Are You Depressed or Just Sad?

What’s the difference? And some strategies to help you cope. All of us feel sadness sometimes. It’s…more…

Sticking To Your New Year Resolutions?

How are you going with yours? Not so good? If you’ve a hard time keeping resolutions in the…more….

Ditch New Year Resolutions And Try Setting A “Word” instead…

Try setting a “Word” of the year? There has been a recent trend online and on social media, of people… more… 

Game-changing Pain Relief in 6 Weeks

“There is no pain in the body; it’s only in the brain,”  Olafur Palsson.  A lot of research has… more… 

Comparing Intuitive Eating & Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss

Although not many people realise, the majority of diets tend to fail. Our VGB Life Change programme… more…

Social Anxiety

Do you know of someone (child, teen or adult) who avoids social or group sitiuations if possible? Do… more…

Is Food Still Ruling Your Life?

Do you snack uncontrollably? Or eat too much? Or are you on a diet that weighs food…. more…

You Can Reduce or Eliminate Stress by Christmas

Christmas is nearly here! Are you ready? Or have you still got shopping to do? Are you finding it harder to get into… More…

How Resetting Your Mind to Lose Weight Works

Sue Wood was lucky enough to sit down with creator and founder of the original Virtual Gastric… more… 

Learn Why We Get Pain and How To Relieve It Naturally

Our body produces pain for specific reasons. Its two key roles for pain are it to be protective… more…

Is a Phobia Stopping You Enjoying Life?

When does an concern or fear become a phobia? We all have certain places, things more… 

Control Your Anxiety…

Anxiety causes stress, heart palpations, racing thoughts, insomnia, lack of focus and… more… .