
Testimonials from Alpha Hypnosis clients

At Alpha Hypnosis we see clients for many different issues, problems, and changes, and we can help you too. We have received many testimonials from happy clients since we started, here we present just a few of them. Please note results may vary person to person. 

I found (the Virtual Gastric Band programme) to be the ideal tool to assist me

I am a person that has tried all the weight loss programmes … always wanting a quick fix, and I kept on forgetting that it didn’t take me 4 weeks to put on the weight! So when I saw an ad for the Alpha Hypnosis programme, I thought why not? One more “fad” won’t make a difference, and it was worth a try.

Well………….. was I wrong………….. Turned out, I had to get it right in my head first, and realise for myself that the only person holding me back from completely enjoying my life to the full and achieving my goals was myself!

The Virtual Gastric Band helped me realise that I no longer will fail and that I will SUCCEED and I got a higher benefit from it than I expected. It is a tool I highly recommend and credit highly! more… 

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I have found unbelievable energy, confidence, drive and passion for my life again, and the motivation I feel now, to get on and live my life & achieve my goals, is great!

I found (the Virtual Gastric Band programme) to be the ideal tool to assist me and give me the motivation to choose healthier choices and get me closer to achieving my goals. And I no longer feel the need to finish the bag of biscuits as soon as they’re open?  I have even stopped chewing my nails, which I have done for about 20 years!

Before going everything felt like too much effort, and now I feel very energetic!  I don’t give up on getting things done as easily, and it was like something “clicked” in my brain. Now I no longer feel like I need a quick fix to lose the weight, it’s more of a lifestyle programme. And I can see a big change in my attitude and happiness levels too!

I have lost a few kilo’s so far and still have quite a few to go, but I have finally realised that I thought my weight was my security blanket, protecting me from actually living my life to the fullest, whereas all it was doing was actually restricting me.  I do not feel as restricted now, before I was putting on a kilo or two every few months and now I will be losing them, not gaining!

What I have gained, and continue to gain, is achievement closer to my goals and a happier outlook and sense of self!   So thank you Susan Wood and Alpha Hypnosis!

Caylie Roussel

Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking… One visit was all I needed!

Dear Roger,

It has been a number of years since I last contacted you, however, I have thought of your wonderful hypnosis services many times over those years.

To refresh your memory… I sought to quit smoking for the umpteenth time.  I had been smoking at least 75 cigarettes per day (yes, a real chain smoker) for at least 8 years of my life.  It became very apparent that my life was not going to last long at that rate.

After losing my mother to cancer and being asked, with genuine concern (by my then eight year old son) to quit I made a definite decision that I did not wish to continue to be a slave to smoking.  I wanted to take control of my lungs, health and life, back

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I had tried nicotine patches, slowly lowering cigarette intake, cold turkey – you name it, I tried it.   The only thing I had not tried was hypnosis.

Having spoken to a few family and friends, I decided that it could only do me good to give hypnosis a go.  And so I contacted you through the yellow pages, and I was indeed really fortunate that yours was the name my finger fell on in that phone book!

One visit was all I needed!I admit that I smoked all the way up to your front door, but in my heart of hearts, I did want to quit.   I left your clinic thinking nothing had changed.  I jumped into the driver’s seat of my car and looked down at a half finished packet of cigarettes and thought (rather oddly) that I just didn’t want a cigarette, so off I drove.   Back in my office, I had packets of cigarettes on my desk, in the draws and on the fridge, and yet I just didn’t want one.

That was eight years ago, and I have never picked up another cigarette since.  In the following first two years of having one hypnotherapy session with you, a number of close family members died, my marriage ended, and still I did not have an inclination to smoke. My family and friends were amazed, so used to seeing me puffing my life away – not to mention the money I spent to maintain the habit.

I want to sincerely thank you, for assisting me in making my life healthier, happier and no doubt longer!   I remember your words; that the hypnotherapy would work provided I made the commitment and really wanted to quit. Well Roger, you were right.  I wanted it enough and you gave me the key to make it happen – and frankly, it was the easiest thing I think I have ever done.

Many, many thanks.
Tania Harris

Hypnotherapy helped asthma 

Dear Roger

This letter is to thank you for all that attending the Alpha Hypnosis Advanced Hypnotherapy Course has done for me.

I joined the (Hypnotherapy training) because I wanted to become a practicing hypnotherapist, I (now) have a functioning clinic with satisfied clientele. So I thank you for helping me to achieve that goal.

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However there were many other bonuses from attending the course that I was not expecting.

Among them… my Asthma is now almost non-existent. Three years ago it was so extreme I had to leave my job and I truly thought I would never be well again. The Psoriasis I have had for thirty years is now also almost disappeared. You also removed, in a few minutes, the escalator phobia that I had lived with for most of my life.

Separate to this, but I feel probably due to the personal growth I achieved from your training, I received a $3000 scholarship from my current employer, and also had a children’s story accepted for publishing in the NZ School Journal.

I seem to get along with other people even better, and I very much put this down to being more in touch with my own subconscious mind.

Pat Norton

Chronic pain helped with hypnotherapy

Dear Roger

I am writing to inform you of the excellent progress in my pain management which has occurred since I visited you a few years ago.  I had chronic pain for many years, and medications and other therapies (E.g. acupuncture, etc.) that I had tried made very little permanent difference.

After our sessions, I began the process of understanding that the emotions attached to the deformity are promoting some of the pain.

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And whilst the pain has not completely gone, it is at the lowest level I can remember.  I find myself far more mobile, I am happier, and I can see a future of positives.

Thank you for your unique life changing skills and your ‘gift’ through those hypnosis sessions.

Kindest Regards,
Simon Finnel

Persistant Wart… The wart has never re‑grown

Some years ago I came to you for help in removing a persistent wart (since school days) on my left index knuckle. I twice had it removed by my doctor, using dry ice. A very painful process. It re‑grew both times. I was then sent to the local hospital, using ray treatment. This was in the cancer clinic. Still no permanent success. That treatment was also very painful. In my daily work I was turning items which had metal zips and this was a frequent cause of ripping up the wart which was either pulled out completely or just partially, but it still grew.

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When I heard of you I made an appointment and came to you as a last resort. I was seated in a recliner chair while you quietly talked to me and eventually gave me a very simple action to perform each morning as soon as I woke up. Mornings for me were hectic and sometimes I would not remember until much later in the day, even as late as when I finally went to bed. A fortnight later I paid a second visit to reinforce your simple instructions. End of treatment!

The wart was smaller but still very prominent. As time went by it was really shrinking and finally disappeared, leaving no trace. The wart has never re‑grown.

On‑that second visit a man had just walked in and I overheard him saying he went home so annoyed about his waste of money on a so called treatment to break his long time smoking habit that he wasn’t coming back again but just to prove he could do it without help he had thrown out all his fags and hadn’t smoked since. So there!! He was a non believer of a treatment that had really worked for him!

I do know that your treatment of my problem was genuine and did really work, and I will be forever thankful for what you did for me. I would readily recommend (Hypnotherapy) the treatment to anyone needing help.


Sensitive neck… Roger enabled me to rid myself of a problem that has affected me for years

I was first introduced to Roger Saxelby by my husband, a hypnotherapy student of Roger. For a number of years I had felt a particular sensitivity and constriction around the throat area when touched there.  Recently it had become very intense, restricting what I wore and, more importantly, my receiving massage or reikie treatment in that vicinity.  Knowing there was no physical reason for this very physical reaction I decided to try hypnosis hoping that it would provide some answers and resolution.

I found Roger to be very professional, but also friendly and empathic. I felt very comfortable and safe at all times. After 30 minutes of regression with hypnosis I had all the answers.

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I went back during the hypnotherapy session to a previous life I had never envisaged. In that life I had died as a young black slave boy.  I was alone, badly beaten, being strangled by the slave collar I wore.  This child was a first generation slave taken from his home when still very young.  His slave name was Sam, he was too young when taken to remember his true name.  He was a repetitive runaway, always trying to get rid of the collar, always trying to be free.  For him to die with that collar still on was heart breaking.

As I became more emotional Roger took me from the first person to the third (person), so that I became an observer, not the dying boy and therefore still feeling safe.  In this form I was able to remove the collar, setting both Sam and myself free.

Sam is now a positive memory for me and any rare hint of reaction in my throat area disappears when I think of him.

In a single session of hypnosis Roger enabled me to rid myself of a problem that has affected me for years,and also to find a missing part.  For this I cannot thank him enough.

Allie Ross

Exam nerves gone with Hypnotherapy

Dear Roger

I contacted you a few months ago about my daughter, who was due to re-sit a practical exam and was feeling very nervous and anxious about it (to the point where she was thinking about not doing the test at all).

I knew this exam was important to her and her future career but felt helpless as a parent on how to help her situation. Someone suggested hypnotherapy to me and I had heard positive things about it before, I contacted you about the situation.

Straight away over the phone you made me feel very confident that you could help her, and you gave me a good general understanding about the hypnotherapy process.

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After the first time she saw you I noticed an immediate difference in her and I could tell she felt different about the impending exam, once saying that she felt happier and calmer and she said “Oh my god that hypnotherapy really works” as going to a mock exam.

Thanks to you, my daughter passed her exam with ease and we are both very pleased and thankful for your hypnotherapy skills and professional kind manner.

I would not hesitate to recommend you to anyone needing your help in the future.

Kind regards
J Taylor

Flying Without Fear

I have always been afraid of flying, but forced myself to ‘bite the bullet’ when my three children all ended up living across the ditch. Anticipation of visits to Australia were always clouded by a horrible feeling of dread. Each time we flew across the Tasman, my time on the plane was spent in a very tense state which was most stressful. On arrival at my destination I was always exhausted. The kind of thoughts that would go through my mind in flight were: ‘We’re going to crash’ or ‘That guy is going to the toilet to detonate a bomb!’ I used to look at other passengers who appeared so calm and relaxed, and wished that I could be like them.

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Mid 2012 I contacted Roger to see if he might be able to help me, as on September 1st I was due to travel to the USA and Europe to meet my partner’s family. To be honest, my inclination was not to do the trip at all, but that would have been very disappointing for my partner (and me). I really wanted to find a way to fly without the fear.

I attended three appointments with Roger Saxelby of Alpha Hypnosis, and found the sessions easy, relaxing and useful. Roger not only provided hypnotherapy, but also taught me a number of techniques to use later on.  He even encouraged me to record session two on my cell phone, so I could keep listening to it.

As I prepared for our trip I noticed that the usual dread wasn’t present. In fact I felt quite excited about what lay ahead. I still wondered whether anything would have changed once I boarded a plane though.

I am extremely happy to say that I handled all eight flights over the five weeks we were travelling with ease.  It was quite unbelievable at first, because my whole mind-set had changed.  I had trust in the pilot and crew, and instead of thinking the odds of something terrible happening was huge I realised the odds of everything being fine were greater.  I enjoyed watching movies in flight, and even managed to sleep some of the time. Funnily enough, the only thing bothering me in the end was that it could sometimes get a little boring – particularly on the long hauls.

If someone had told me earlier this year that I could be rid of cured of my fear of flying I would not have believed them, however thanks to Roger a whole new world has opened up to me.

Robin Essex,

Calm & Relaxed, Before and After Surgery

For many years I have been a personal friend of Susan Wood and her partner, Roger Saxelby, who own and operate  Alpha Hypnosis.
A few months ago I was facing a massive (4 hour) operation, and I eagerly accepted when Sue offered to help me in preparing myself for the event as in the past I had been a chronic worrier about trivial matters. One time in particular stands out for me as a time of dread.  That has always been the journey to the Hospital, whether it’s been to have a child or to have surgery.

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Sue guided me in the techniques of relaxation and taught me Self Hypnosis, which I have found most helpful, not only in the pre-operative period, but also in everyday situations.  I found great relief in the positive suggestions she gave me. To have the peace of mind that these sessions gave me was truly wonderful.

On the trip to the hospital this time I found myself completely calm and relaxed, with a certainty of a quick and positive outcome. There was even an eagerness to be in the operating theater and have it all behind me, so that the healing process could begin.

The first few days after the procedure, were not very pleasant due to the drugs and anaesthesia. Bit even then I was able to reassure myself with the thoughts that this time would soon be over, as indeed it was.

My healing is now complete, and the specialist who performed the operation has been really amazed at my rapid progress.
After less than two months of the surgery (which resulted in a massive scar) I am back to swimming three times a week and feeling physically and mentally on top of my form.

So thank you so much Sue, and Alpha Hypnosis

Barbara Frewin

Alpha Hypnosis
180 Lincoln Road

(09) 8377 877

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