You CAN Change Your Life with…

Your Master Key To Success

1 Day Workshop

Take Control of Your Life and Create Your Future… Discover the Tools to…

  • Increase Your Motivation
  • Enhance Your Performance
  • Manage Stress Effectively
  • Change Your Attitude
  • Boost Your Self Confidence
  • Set and Achieve Your Goals
  • Improve Concentration and Memory
  • Relax Quickly and Easily
  • Change Unwanted Habits
  • Manage Pain and Illness
Self Hypnosis training with Alpha Hypnosis
Self Hypnosis with Alpha Hypnosis

How you relate to the world and people around you depends on your beliefs, attitude and perception. And these factors, built up over many years, often over a lifetime, influence your attitude, behaviour and intimately your life.

However, it is possible, (even easy) for you to make the changes you really want in those areas.

For there to be any lasting change, it must take place within the sub-conscious mind… as this is where all your automatic behaviour come from

Hypnotherapy - It's all in the Mind

Invest in yourself first…

Then you really can create your future!

In just one day you have the opportunity to learn techniques that will enable you to set and achieve the changes you desire… and enjoy the personal success you deserve.

In this one day workshop Roger Saxelby, will teach you easy to lean techniques that you will be able to use immediately that YOU can use to take control of your “inner mind”, and your life. Using these skills can have a major impact on your future.

Starting soon


    Roger Saxelby - Alpha Hypnosis

    Roger Saxelby has been helping people to make positive life changes and teaching them “mind power” skills since 1980. With over 40+ years experience in helping others and 30+ years of teaching professional hypnotherapy, Roger is arguably one of the most knowledgeable and experienced hypnotherapists in NZ today. For more info on Roger click here. 

    Dip. Adv. Hyp. (USA, Aust) NZHRB Registered Hypnotherapist. Hon. Life. Member AHA & NZAPH, MNZANLP.

    Students at Alpha Hypnosis