12 Week Weight Loss Challange
The problem with diets, weight-loss programmes, gym memberships, etc. is…
They rarely work long term
Sue Wood’s Hypnotherapy Techniques changes your Mindset…
95% of diet and exercise programmes don’t work, because we eventually revert to old behaviours
Hypnotherapy helps reset your inner “driver” and make those changes long-term
And you don’t have to give up foods you enjoy!
Greater Value for Your Investment
- 12 x Sessions – Longer support, help you lock in the changes
- 12 x Journals – Assist to inspire & motivate you
- 12 x Challenges – Increase your vision, ability of what is posssibile
- 5+ Support audios – To keep you on track between sessions
- 3+ Processes – Easy learn techniques to assist you – and for future goals
- Plus much more…
Much Longer Progssional Experience
- Sue Wood – Professional Hypnotherapist since 1995
- Specailised in weight loss since 2014 – over 8 years
- Incorporates the Virtual Gastric Band programme into this training
- Hundreds of satisfied clients
- Walks the talk – Used programme – reduced 20 kilos!
- Supports you personally – all the way
Only by Resetting Your Subconscious…
can you change your unwanted relationship with food
You Eat Less: No depriving yourself, still enjoy what you eat, feel satisfied, but without the quantity
You move more: Find yourself moving more, doing more, without pushing yourself
Love yourself more: Feel happier and more confident in yourself and your abilities
Be Healthier: Be fitter, slimmer and healthier
Get your life back: Socialise and do more activities, wear nice clothes, keep up with others, explorte new “horizons” and much more
Sue has personally helped many clients lose weight. With feedback from them and her own weight loss journey, she developed her unique weight loss Virtual gastric Band Life Change programme which includes much longer support.
She knows what it’s like to be overweight and she personally reduce nearly 20kgs on the VGB programme over about 6 months.
Sue is a VGB Certified Practitioner, Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist. Honorary Life Member – New Zealand Association of Professional Hypnotherapists. She trained personally with the developer of the original 4 session Virtual Gastric Band programme.
Contact Sue Wood – 09-8377 877 or TEXT 0223 571 787

Do I have to give up foods I love?
No, you just eat much smaller quantities.
Obviously, healthier, non-processed or highly-processed food are not good for your health or fitnss.
Although many of my clients move more and more into eating healthier foods, that is not a requirement. It’s up to you.
Provided you take action on this training and follow the instructions, do the challeneges, etc. consitently, this will work for you.
I'm afraid of "failing" again
This programme gives you much longer support than other VGB programmes, and over a much longer time frame.
This makes this training a powerful and effective transition as you learn more and more about yourself and your habits, get the support and processes to assist you with your mindset changes. And you will release your weight naturally and gradually.
It’s about managing your expectations – it’s likely to be a gradual and safe transition, as your new habits replace your old habits at the subconscious level.
I’m with you every step of the way!
I’ve got your back!
Aren't people controlled by the hypnotist in a hypnosis stage show ?
No. Although I can understand that it looks ‘as if” the stage hypnotist does that.
However, this perception is not correct…
What you may not realise is… those people volunteer to go up and stage and they know they will be “instructed” to do entertaining and/or silly things, right? Often there is alcohol and certain amount of “bravado” involved. They may want to show off in front of their friends or mates, some may say things like “He won’t be able to hypnotise me” etc. And yet, they go up and go along with it!
What you only see in a live stage show, not on the highly edited TV shows, is that even after the stage hypnotist has hypnotised the people and they’re sitting on chairs on the stage, and he’s* ready to give them instructions… there still may be one or two people that don’t seem to “obey” his very simple first public instructions. This is because, although they volunteered, they have changed their mind. This shows they still have free will and cannot be “made” to do something they don’t to do.
The stage hypnotist will ask those people some questions and usually, if they still don’t follow his instructions, he knows they won’t be entertaining, and he’ll count them back out and send them back to their seat in the audience.
Also check out: What is Hypnosis.
*Note: when I say “he” “he’s” or “his” this refers to any gender or non- identified gender, and is simply used for easier reading purposes.
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a natural state we all go into a number of times during the day and night. E.g. when we’re very focused on something (a book, game or movie), working, driving, crafting, etc. It’s also where our dreams occur at night and where we daydream.
Hypno-therapy is simply therapy provided during hypnosis.
This is not a quick “fix” or magic wand! If you wnat that, you’re in the wrong place. And haven’t you already “been there, done that” enough times to know that it doesn’t work permanently?
Sue Wood guides you using relaxation, mindfulness, visualisation, therapy techniques and processes, etc. to focus on and change your mindset around food and eating. And as you gradually reset your mind, you start release that excess weight, safely and gradually.
Is hypnosis a form of mind control?
No. Hypnosis helps you focus and change your own subconscious, away from the unhealthy habits you’ve learned over years and helps making the new habits easier.
Does hypnosis really work?
Yes! Research has indicated that including hypnosis is much more effective in weight loss. Here are some indications gathered from research studies:
Hypnosis Subjects Lost More Weight Than 90% of Others and Kept it off
Researchers analysed 18 studies comparing a cognitive behavioural therapy, such as relaxation training, guided imagery, self-monitoring or goal setting with the same therapy supplemented by hypnosis. Those who received the hypnosis lost more weight than 90 % of the non-hypnosis and maintained the weight loss two years after treatment ended.
Source: Allison DB, Faith MS. Hypnosis as an adjunct to cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy for obesity: a meta-analytic reappraisal. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1996;64(3):513-516.
Hypnosis Over 30 Times as Effective for Weight Loss
Researchers investigated the effects of hypnosis in weight loss for 60 females who were at least 20% overweight. Treatment included group hypnosis with metaphors for ego-strengthening, decision making and motivation, ideomotor exploration in individual hypnosis, and group hypnosis with maintenance suggestions. Hypnosis was more effective than a control group 17lbs vs. 0.5 lbs on follow-up.
Source: Cochrane, Gordon; Friesen, J. (1986). Hypnotherapy in weight loss treatment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54, 489-492.
Controlled trial of hypnotherapy for weight loss in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea
To assess if hypnotherapy assists attempts at weight loss
In a randomised, controlled, parallel study of two forms of hypnotherapy (directed at stress reduction or energy intake reduction), vs dietary advice alone in 60 obese patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. Analysed over the whole time period (18 months) the hypnotherapy group with stress reduction achieved significantly more weight loss than the other two treatment arms… More intensive hypnotherapy might of course have been more successful.
Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9539198/ J Stradling, D Roberts, A Wilson, F Lovelock
Is it a diet-and-exercise programme?
This training is not about dieting. It’s about creating a belief in your subconscious that you’ve had a “gastric band” fitted, so you eat much smaller meals. There is no depriving yourself of foods you enjoy, you just eat smaller amounts and feeling satisfied.
It’s all about changing the automatic habits that you’ve built up over years. Once your mindset changes, your eating habits change and you can start releasing that unwanted weight and get your life back!
This is what most “diets” and “weight loss” programmes don’t adress. And if your habits don’t change (at the subconscious level) they will continue to “rear their ugly head” again and again!
What if I'm not able to attend?
As I plan to record each session that’s not a problem. You can chose from the following two options:
1. You can catch-up by watching the video. This will include the hypnosis session.
2. We can change your registration to the next set of dates
“This was much more than weight loss!
Starting my journey on this which I thought was all about weight loss. How wrong I was! My relationship with food was unhealthy, fraught with binge eating and feeling guilty for overeating! My thoughts around food have changed into positive ones” – Mel
“I found this (programme) to be ideal to assist me!
I found unbelievable energy, confidence, drive and passion for my life again, and the motivation I feel now, to get on and live my life & achieve my goals, is great!” – Caylie
“My wife and I were consuming huge platefuls of food, no exercise, and before we knew it we were out of control and heading towards long term health issues. We now look forward to better health, regular exercise and our attitude towards life and ourselves has improved immensely.” – John & Sharon
Other Virtual Gastric Band programmes charge between $500 – $1500 and have less sessions and resources.
If you’re over doing the dieting yo-yo and feeling guilty about eating foods you love…
it’s time to rest your mind and reach your body goals… naturally.